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Plot twist: Millennials are Australia’s most active property investors

When it comes to buying investment properties, younger Australians are punching above their weight, with Millennials taking the title as the nation’s most active generation for property investment.

Investors are continuing to flock to the property market, with the Australian Bureau of Statistics saying the volume of new investor loans in February was 21.5% higher compared to a year ago.

Investment loans now make up over half of the growth in new loans over the past year.

But in an unexpected twist, it isn’t older generations of Aussies who are leading the charge to buy rental properties.

Younger investors flex their muscles

New data from the Commonwealth Bank shows Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) accounted for almost half (46%) of the bank’s new property investors in 2023.

And almost one in three of those buyers purchased an investment property on their own, without the help of a partner.

Gen Xers (1965 – 1980) are also snapping up rental properties, accounting for 37% of CommBank’s new investment property loans throughout 2023.

Rentvesting – get into the market sooner

Rentvesting is buying property where you can afford, possibly a smaller property in a lower-cost area, and then renting where you want to live.

The CommBank data shows plenty of investors are taking this approach and it makes sense: the average investment loan size is just over $528,000 compared to $624,000 for owner occupiers.

And remember, if you purchase the right property, as an investor you could expect to earn rental income. That’s extra cash for loan repayments.

In this way, rentvesting could be an opportunity to get started on the property ladder sooner rather than later, without having to make too many lifestyle sacrifices. As the investment property grows in value over time, it can become the stepping stone to buy an owner-occupied home.

The market seems attractive for investors right now

The property market offers plenty of appeal to investors right now.

Rental vacancy rates are at a record low of just 0.7% nationally. Property listings have increased in most cities, giving buyers more choice, and the past 12 months have seen rents skyrocket 11.4% across our state capitals.

Add in growing expectations that interest rates will start to fall later this year, and CoreLogic says it’s likely that property values will continue to rise, giving those who buy today the potential to notch up handy capital gains.

Are you ready to become a property investor?

Talk to us today to find out how much you could borrow, and your likely loan repayments. It could help you become a property investor sooner!

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